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Pedagogy and Practice

At Muddy Boots, we are influenced by 'in the moment' planning. Our cycle of Observation, Assessment,  Planning and Teaching is carried out on a moment by moment basis. 
Our indoor and outdoor environment is set up to be as engaging as possible, to encourage the highest level of engagement from our learners. When children are in charge of their play they demonstrate higher levels of engagement. When children are in a high level of engagement they are learning. At Muddy Boots we strongly believe that when children are in charge of their own play, their engagement levels are higher, therefore learning occurs. 
Our highly skilled staff observe, wait and listen, always asking themselves what difference can I make. Our roles as educators is to help encourage our children to explore ideas and facilitate learning. 
We enhance our environment by providing tuff tray activities and providing different resources. This can set off a spark for a child's engagement and learning. 
We offer circle times - which include singing and stories. These sessions allow children to come together to share ideas and regroup at the end of a session.
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